Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I hope to learn more about the environment and ways to act locally to be more environmentally friendly.  I hope to learn more about stewardship with the land, the sea, and the atmosphere.

Sustainability is keeping the human race at a capacity in which the earth can support us for generations to come.  We have to maintain populations (be careful not to grow our populations too much), be conscious of the resources that we use-try to not take more than we need, and beware of the footprint we leave behind.

I am in the field of criminal justice.  I wish I had gone to school for what I wanted to do (meteorology) but I was employed in the field of criminal justice and thought I could get ahead in a field I am already in by getting a degree in criminal justice. Well, that didn't work as I got laid off in July!  Environmental friendliness can be integrated into the criminal justice field though.  The Department of Juvenile Justice is working hard to become paperless and maintain all of their records online.  That is a definite BIG step in the right direction for them!  In the program that I worked in they captured rainwater to use for irrigation, were working on installing solar panels, and were teaching the youth environmental awareness and going green.

I remember when I worked in New York and recycling had just become a big thing.  I was working in catering and the old guy that I worked for said, "I don't understand why we are doing all this extra work, we didn't have to recycle when I was young."  Yep, he needed to retire, the catering world would be a better place without him.  So many people don't understand the importance of recycling, reusing, and reducing!  They think that the earth is big enough to handle their little "spills", or the attitude that no one will know I have taken more than my share of fish, or overkill on deer, etc.  These are the attitudes that need to change to ensure sustainability.

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