Saturday, March 9, 2013

Climate Change

In my opinion climate change is a natural phenomena, a part of a cycle that the earth goes through.  I would argue that the impact of human activity has increased the momentum of this change and has put our world on a fast track to a much hotter climate.  NASA, whom I consider to be a reputable source for information on the topic agreed stating "Correlations between rising CO2 levels and global surface temperatures suggest that our planet is on a one-way warming trend triggered by human activity. Indeed, studies by paleoclimatologists reveal that natural variability caused by changes in the Sun and volcanic eruptions can largely explain deviations in global temperature from 1000 AD until 1850 AD, near the beginning of the Industrial Era. After that, the best models require a human-induced greenhouse effect (National, 2013).

The article goes on to argue both sides and in the end doesn't conclude either way, but admits that there just isn't enough information from historical data to determine if and how much our activity impacts the climate.  It also states that computer models cannot be used successfully because computers can only analyze information that is inputted  without historical data, the computer models are inconclusive.   but we are undoubtedly encouraging this rapid change, how does the CO2  that we are pumping into the environment not have an impact on the atmosphere that protects us from the sun's harmful rays?  

The impact on the earth is evidenced by noticeable weather changes and effects on the land and water.  The Department of the Interior, another reliable source of information, stated that "The glaciers in Montana’s Glacier National Park are melting so quickly, they're expected to disappear in the next two decades. Rising seas are consuming the world’s first wildlife refuge – Florida’s Pelican Island – which President Teddy Roosevelt set aside in 1903....The impacts of climate change are forcing us to change how we manage resources. Climate change may dramatically affect water supplies in certain watersheds, impact coastal wetlands and barrier islands, cause relocation of and stress on wildlife, increase wildland fires, further spread invasive species, and more" (US, 2013).

The media seems to play a neutral card on the topic of climate change, they do not want to offend anyone, be insensitive, or appear to take sides. Some news organizations, the ones that advocate the issue, such as Climate Change News Digest, will always cite in the interest of human impact on climate change and possibly even create hype.  The New York Times  whom I would consider to be neutral stated "Global warming has become perhaps the most complicated issue facing world leaders. Warnings from the scientific community are becoming louder, as an increasing body of science points to rising dangers from the ongoing buildup of human-related greenhouse gases — produced mainly by the burning of fossil fuels and forests" (New, 2013).  Which shows some support for scientists who believe that humans have impact, but still stay somewhat neutral in the communication of their ideas, placing all of the information in the hands of the scientists.

This has little influence on my ideas, I believe that humans have a great effect on the environment and that we are fooling ourselves by saying that it is merely a cycle.  It has had altering effects on my lifestyle, I choose not to buy a car until I have to, I ride the bus in an effort to be green (not use fossil fuels or pump carbon into the environment), I recycle-even went into the city and got recycling buckets for my neighbors and asked them to join me in recycling, I have my plants strategically placed to catch the water from the sprinklers and from the rain off the roof of my home, I reuse the bags from grocery shopping in my garbage cans instead of throwing them away and buying tall kitchen bags-that saves by reusing and is cost effective too!

I think that my children and their children will need to use renewable fuels, we cannot continue to burn fossil fuels.  I wonder what effect that will eventually have on our earth, will it cause earthquakes because the lubricant is burned?  Will it cause a void and the earth collapse in areas that have been drained of the oil?  Will it become unbearably hot because we have drilled all of the coolant out of the earth?  I don't think that we can go on forever using oil, our children will need to be smarter about it and find a better way.  I also wonder what shape the land will be in, I don't think that we will be in a situation like the movie Waterworld, but I believe that we will have some land lost and the population will need to consider building upwards.


National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (2013). Science News:  Earth's Fidgeting Climate.  Retrieved from

New York Times. (2013).  Science:  Global Warming & Climate Change.  Retrieved from

US Department of the Interior. (2013). What we do:  Climate Change.  Retrieved from

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